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Quality and efficient sheet moulders from Italpan

In a bakery, you want sheet moulders that will help you work your dough quickly and thoroughly, so that you can get on with the baking. Italpan offers a choice of two types of high-quality sheet moulder. One is the Sheeter Moulder ITP/500-600 with two cylinders.

sheeter moulder |

ITP/500-600 bakery sheeter moulder

This bakery sheeter moulder can be used to work every type of dough including those that are meant to come out very thin. The scrapers on it are quickly removed for daily cleaning. Contamination is prevented by screening all the bearings and the rolling cylinders come calibrated, chromium-plated with hard chrome and polished to perfection. The sheets always come out smooth and free of wrinkles thanks to adjustable speed conveyors. The power supply is low voltage and it can be controlled using a foot pedal or by hand. For safety, the electric system is connected to accident-proof safety guards. The sheeter is wheel-mounted for easy mobility.

Other sheeter moulders

The sheeter Moulder ITP-600 with four cylinders is the other option. This Quattro automated moulder guarantees function with its four cylinders making it ideal for progressive lamination of dough. It has a feeding belt, anti-discarding control, automated removal of the superior belt and a returning device for the pieces that are rolled. It stands on piroutte wheels for mobility and its keyboard and electric instruments are in low tension.

Further information and details:

sheeter moulder | automatic breadsticks machine

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