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Commercial Bakery Sheeter Machine
A commercial bakery or industrial sheeter machine is used in commercial and industrial bakeries to roll out dough and cut it to a certain thickness. These machines handle large dough capacity. Italpan makes commercial sheeters for commercial and industrial bakeries.
Sheeter for dough
The sheeter machine works with all kinds of dough. It works with varying thickness and the scrapers can be moved easily for cleaning. The rolling cylinders are plated and calibrated. The speed is adjustable to avoid cracks and wrinkles in the dough. The machine is on wheel and mobile.
Easy control and use
The electricity for the machine can be controlled using a hand or foot pedal. It comes with a painted or stainless steel base. These machines are great for bakeries that produce high volume products.
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Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.