pastry dough sheeter supplier
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Pastry dough sheeter supplier

Sheeter SF/500-600 is one of the best pastry dough sheeters supplied by Italpan. This model of sheeter is designed to work on most types of dough, even the thinnest ones. Their scrappers are nicely fixed such that they can be removed for daily cleaning. Their rolling cylinders are calibrated and polished with hard chromium plating. Bearings of these machines are critically screened to ensure they are safe.

pastry dough sheeter supplier |

Perfect dough

The pastry dough sheeters are also fitted with readily adjustable speed conveyors to prevent wrinkles from developing in the pastry. The low electric supply is controllable either by hand or foot driven pedal, and the power system is connected to safety guard who is accident proof.

Improve your production

All pastry machines from the Italian pastry dough sheeter supplier, Italpan, are quality and guarantee durability, efficiency, and high performance in your bakery.

Further information and details:

pastry dough sheeter supplier | sheeter moulder supplier

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    Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.