mixer for bakery supplier
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Mixer for bakery supplier

Mixers for bakery are amongst the most important equipment in bakeries. Spiral mixers are amongst the common mixer types produced by the mixer for bakery supplier. The spiral mixers’ bowl and bowl grid are made of stainless steel. The heavy duty construction of the mixers assures durability and consistent performance.

mixer for bakery supplier |

Highly efficient mixers

The mixers are also fitted with a huge power reserve, bowl rotation inversion, and an emergency stop in case the grid micro is activated. These features ensure that the power consumption nature, efficiency and safety of the mixers are not compromised.

Improve your production

The mixer bowls are made at standard liter and flour capacity to ensure constant high production.

Further information and details:

mixer for bakery supplier | pastry dough sheeter supplier

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    Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.