flour sifters manufacturer
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Flour sifters are products of flour sifters manufacturer used for elimination of impurities in the flour. One of the many machines able to do this is the Flour Sieve SF-100.
Flour Sieve SF-100
The Flour Sieve SF-100 is convenient for commercial use in this case restaurants. Mounted on wheels with a locking gadget, outfitted with a rotating exit framework it is easy to place conveniently in a restaurant. In the fundamental model of the flour sifters manufacturer the flour turns out at 104 cm from the floor level which can be modified on request.
Easy to clean and great to use
The machine can also be inspected easily and regularly ensuring hygiene and proper working capabilities. It also has a good sifting capability of 100kgs for every 5 inches.
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flour sifters manufacturer |
automatic breadsticks machine manufacturer
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Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.