dough rolling machine supplier
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Dough Rolling Machine Supplier

Our dough rolling machines are suitable for all kinds of pastry and bakery shops. Our machines are preferred by professionals because they are efficient and rational. As a dough rolling machine supplier, here are some of the available machines.

dough rolling machine supplier |

Sheeter Moulder ITP/500-600 with two cylinders

This machine is easy to clean and works even on the thin dough. It has calibrated rolling cylinders that are chromium plated with hard chrome. It has adjustable conveyors so as not to cause wrinkles on the pastry.

Sheeter Moulder ITP-600 with four cylinders

This machine is efficient for small bakeries and offers efficiency and functionality. It has four cylinders that guarantee continuous dough lamination.

Further information and details:

dough rolling machine supplier | flour sieve supplier

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    Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.