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Choosing the best commercial sheeter
In a commercial bakery, time is of the essence. The various processes have to be done well and on time. This is only possible if you are using the best bakery equipment. A commercial dough sheeter is one of the machines that you will need.
Dough sheeter for every type of preparation
This model can be used to sheet dough of every type including the type that is required to be really thin such as pastry dough. It takes just a few seconds to remove the scrapers for fast daily cleaning. The rolling cylinders are polished, calibrated and finished with hard chrome plating. The risk of contamination is eliminated with bearings that are screened and speed conveyors that are adjustable ensure that the dough comes out completely smooth. Wheel-mounting makes the machine easy to move and the supply of power which is low voltage is controlled with a foot pedal or by hand. Accidents on this commercial dough sheeter are prevented with safety guards.
The bench sheeters
Another option from Italpan is the Bench Sheeter SF 500/710-950. This commercial dough sheeter is ideal for bakeries where space is a constraint. It has a belt for easy removal of completed sheets. It has the same features and performs just as well as the previous model except that is smaller in size and a lower capacity making it ideal for a small bakery.
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Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.