commercial bread slicer supplier
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Commercial bread slicer supplier
Italpan has captured the market for bakery machinery and rose to a leading commercial bread slicer supplier through the production of unique products.
The horizontal slicers
The horizontal slicer is a major bread slicing equipment is fitted with an inox steel structure and chain and belt transmissions, a connected motor reducer, maximum space between presser conveyor belt and transport and is endowed with transformers and fuse that ascertain efficiency and high power conservation.
Bench bread slicers
Bench bread slicers are also common bakery machinery produced by Italpan and has been designed in two models that include the Bread Slicer Clk 420s/520s and the Bench Bread Slicer Clk 420/520.
As a leading commercial bread slicer supplier, Italpan has ensured incorporated simplicity and low power consumption as some of the technical specifications to their bread slicers.
Further information and details:
commercial bread slicer supplier |
commercial dough sheeter supplier
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Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.