breadsticks machine supplier
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Breadsticks Machine Supplier
We supply breadsticks machines that are suitable for professional use i.e. in small and large bakery shops. Our main goal is to supply machines that perform at the required standards while maintaining ease of use. Some of our breadsticks machines include the Automatic Grissini Machine 25A and 25L.
Automatic Grissini Machine 25A
This stainless steel machine has the capability to even out the dough as it enters the die. It is easy to use with an output of 50kg per hour.
Automatic Grissini Machine 25L
As a breadsticks machine supplier, we supply high quality machines like the 25L: it uses up minimal space and has an automatic and manual control with an output of 50kh/h.
Further information and details:
breadsticks machine supplier |
commercial bakery equipment supplier
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Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.