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Fast and efficient bread slicer machines from Italpan
As a busy bakery, you handle hundreds of daily bread orders that must go out on time. Apart from efficient baking machines, you need a bread slicer machine that can keep up with large daily orders. Italpan understands this and offers a choice of high-quality Italian bread slicing machines.
Horizontal bread slicers
One bread slicer machine is the horizontal slicer. The Inox steel structure machine has fast and reliable belt and chains transmission that keeps it moving. The electric slicer has a transformer, fuse and a supply of emergency power up to 24V. The space between the transporter and the presser conveyor belt is 60mm so sliced bread can quickly be wrapped up, packed and delivered. The slicer conforms to EC standards.
Bench bread slicer
Another bread slicer machine available from Italpan is the bench bread slicer. It works with belt and chain transmission, has a connection motor-reducer and has also 60mm between the transporter and conveyor belt for quick slicing, packing and dispatch.
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Our machines stand out thanks to their simplicity, reliability and quality.